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Q: How does expansionism relate to imperialism?
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Related questions

What are the relationship between imperialism and expansionism?

Expansionism is the practice or policy in which a nation expands its territory. Imperialism encompasses expansionism, however implied in Imperialism is a further intent to establish political and economic control over the area.

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Is expansionism another word for imperialism?

Expansionism is a process of a country expanding its economic influence, not necessarily by military means. Imperialism extends the countries power by colonisation with the use of military force

Why did American industrialists support imperialism?

More land = more industry. Industrialists benefited greatly from the expansionism that occurred by American imperialism.

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How did the Monroe doctrine and social Darwinism contribute to expansionism?

The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed that European powers should not interfere in the Western Hemisphere, allowing the US to expand its influence in the region. Social Darwinism provided a pseudo-scientific justification for imperialism by suggesting that certain nations were inherently superior and destined to rule over others, promoting expansionism under the guise of spreading civilization and progress.

How does rhodes quote relate to imperialism?

never in 69 sexy years

Did the us play a role that lead to Japanese imperialism?

Yes. The US helped modernize and Westernize Japan. However, the US did not directly support Japanese expansion or expansionism.

How did mark twain and albert J. beveridge differ in their attitudes toward imperialsm?

Beveridge was for Imperialism, while Twain was against imperialism.

How does it relate to the European imperialism of the time?

European nations often viewed colonized people as inferior to Europeans.

Who were the proponents of American expansionism?

The Whigs were opposed to American expansionism. But the Democratic party was proponents of American expansionism to the western regions.

What is a good thesis statement for the question What motivated European imerialism and why was European imperialism so successful in Africa?

European expansionism was successful in Africa due to sophistication of weaponry and Europes monopoly of the slave trade.