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When fertilizers are applied to crops, certain amount of it remains on plants which is washed off by rain and conveyed to rivers and lakes by surface run off. Further, excessively applied fertilizers gets mixed with water and such water containing traces of fertilizers percolate down into the soil and finds way to rivers and lakes by underground streams. Furthermore, nutrients contained in such polluted water brought to rivers and lakes accelerate growth of weeds, aquatic plants causing depletion of dissolved oxygen thereby damaging aquatic eco system existing in rivers and lakes.

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15y ago
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9y ago

Fertilizer and manure can enter lakes and rivers in various ways. One of the common ways is through soil erosion or being blown by winds.

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Water insoluble fertilizer?

A fertilizer for agriculture must be soluble in water, more or less.

How does fertilizer get into water?

Fertilizers reach bodies of water in a variety of ways, most noticeably by rain washing the fertilizer into adjoining rivers and streams. However, all things contain water and water is a particle carrier, so the chemicals of fertilizers are transported to large bodies of water by all means, including by humans who are eating the fertilized food. Humans are 97% water at birth and pass through undigested fertilizer into waste delivery systems that return to the Water Cycle. Same with animals who are mostly made of water, themselves. Ultimately, humans made fertilizer and so fertilizers start their journey from human hands and so part of that answer is: humans.

What is the ratio of fertilizer to water?

two to three table spoon of fertilizer

Which body of water is more sensitive to the effects of fertilizer runoff?

The body of water that is more sensitive to the effects of fertilizer are those with stagnant water. An example of this body of water is a pond.

Why did your plant die when you have been watering it with fertilizer?

It is possible you gave it too much water or too much fertilizer. Fertilizer can burn the roots.

To test how fertilizer affects aquatic animals a student prepared four identical containers with water fleas. The student then added different amounts of fertilizer mixed with distilled water to three?

The water fleas in all the containers receiving fertilizer

What fertilizer may cause water to have a bad taste?

Any fertilizer will do that, considering it's dung.

Does lake water have fertilizer in it?

Some lakes do

Is fertilizer a type of water polution?


What gas dissolves in water and is in fertilizer?


How do you make a fertilizer on alchemy game?

Nitric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide Solution = Fertilizer + 3x Water