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it helps because fur seals spend half the year out at sea so they need something to sit/rest on

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Q: How does floating icebergs help seals in the arctic?
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Why don't Seals freeze to death in the Arctic Ocean?

Seals have a thick layer of fat around their bodies, plus oily, waterproof fur to help insulate them.

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Polar bears have white fur which lets them blend in with the snow. They eat seals and other arctic animals. They also have a thick layer of fat to help insulate them from the cold.

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White fur is harder to see against a background of white snow. And since polar bears hunt seals, it is to their advantage to be able to sneak up on seals without being seen too helps it camouflage in the snow

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White fur is harder to see against a background of white snow. And since polar bears hunt seals, it is to their advantage to be able to sneak up on seals without being seen too helps it camouflage in the snow

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