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Fluid retention can cause lab results to be deceptively low. Dehydration may cause lab results to be deceptively high.

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Q: How does fluid retention affect serum protein levels?
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Can general anesthesia cause fluid retention?

Can anesthesia cause fluid retention

Can methadone cause fluid retention?

Yes, edema or fluid retention is a side effect of methadone.

Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.

If Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Blood protein levels fall and fluid shifts to the tissues.

Starvation causes the plasma protein levels in the blood plasme to fall how would that affect the formation of tissue fluid in the tissue spaces?

Starvation causes the plasma protein levels to decrease, and when there is less plasma protein in the blood, you get lower Po (Osmotic Pressure). Lower osmotic pressure means less pull (of tissue fluid) so this causes generalized basically, less plasma proteins -> decreased Po -> less pull -> reduced venous clearance --> fluid build up in tissue

Does pregnancy effect vision?

Pregnancy can affect the eyes and eyesight. The thickness and curvature of the cornea can be caused by water retention. The changes of blood circulation, metabolism, hormones, and fluid retention are all affects during pregnancy.

Does weight have anything to do with fluid retention?

Weight is not directly associated with fluid retention, but heart problems does. Fluid retention is characterized with fluid build-up on some parts of the body due to problems like heart ailments. To treat fluid retention, doctors usually recommend furosemide as a medication. You can take a look at this link for drug info about furosemide:

Is fluid retention caused by high or low potassium in the body?

It is excessive salt intake (sodium) which can place an individual at risk of fluid retention.

What is the medical term meaning fluid retention due to obstrution of the lymph vessels?

Lymphedema is fluid retention due to obstruction of lymph vessels.Lymphedema

What is the cause of fluid retention?

Fluid retention is a condition wherein fluid build-up or swelling on some parts of the body. Fluid retention is also called Edema, and often times patients with hypertension, heart problems, lung diseases, and liver issues are most likely to develop edema. One of the most popular and effective treatment for fluid retention is furosemide 40 mg. This medicine effectively prevents fluid build-up by flushing the excess fluid out of the system in the form of urine.

What can cause the left ankle to swell up with no injuries done to it nor is there an history of fluid retention only the left ankle is having this problem?

fluid retention