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Well first we all know that the Pancreas is an auxiliary organ which means it is the one that stores the juices but, it doesn't store all the juices at once it also gives space for the food from the stomach pass by so it can enter the small intestine and into the large intestine

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Q: How does food enter your large and small intestines if the Pancreas is in between the stomach and the intestines?
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Ducts from the pancreas and gallbladder enter the stomach colon small intestine gallbladder rectum?

They enter the small intestine, more specifically the duodenum.

What happen to the food after it enter the stomach?

The stomach is filled with Hydrochloric acid that signals the entrance of pepsin for the pancreas, the food is then churned by the (smooth) muscles into the stomach until the newly formed chyme (food) is released into the small intestine.

Where food is mixed with gastic juice?

Gastric juices act solely in the stomach. By the time foodstuffs enter the small intestines, it is already a mash.

What is the esophageal atresia?

Congenital lack of the connection between esophagus and stomach; food cannot enter the stomach

Does the liver store insulin?

As noted in the expert answer - the pancreas, not the liver, manufactures insulin. The pancreas sits in a space in the abdominal cavity near the liver. It is behind the stomach and a bit below the liver. The pancreatic duct from the pancreas joins up with the bile duct from the liver and gall bladder where the two ducts enter the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine that connects to the stomach) through the major duodenal papilla.

How do the intestines work?

The small intestine is where most chemical digestion takes place. Most of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The enzymes enter the small intestine in response to the hormone cholecystokinin, which is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of nutrients. The hormone secretin also causes bicarbonate to be released into the small intestine from the pancreas in order to neutralize the potentially harmful acid coming from the stomach.

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What two things enter the blood stream directly from the stomach?

Caffeine and alcohol enter directly from the stomach.

What are the organs of the gastrointestinal?

Stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, pelvic colon, rectum and anal canal. To these secretions from liver and pancreas, enter through second part of duodenum.

Where does food enter the blood vessesles?

usually nutrients enter the blood vessels through the small intestines

Food does not enter the blank or the blank?

There are a lot of areas that food doesn't enter. The pancreas and liver, are one example.

What happens to food in the pancreas?

Food never enters the pancreas. The pancreas secretes enzymes into the common bile duct and these enzymes aid in the digestion of fat, and protein. The pancreas also secretes insulin into the bloodstream which helps regulate the blood sugar levels w/in the body. Without insulin the body cannot process sugars which are energy for the cells of the body.