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Chewing food helps digestion because it breaks down foods so the stomach doesn't have to do so much work. Saliva helps it to be liquefied and adds enzymes that begin digestion. If we just swallow chunks even without chewing, the food will still be digested but the process would take longer.

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Q: How does friction helps in chewing the food?
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How does friction helps in chewing food?

Friction is when you chew the food and it causes heat. The food get warm kinda. it is rubbing with ur teeth and that is what causes ur teeth to get loose.Always be confident in yourself and always follow ur dreams!BTW Robin Thicke is awesome!

How does premolar helps digests food?

It grind and chewing the food.

What is the importance of chewing food?

Chewing your food helps to increase the area that is subjected to the digestive juices. It also helps to prevent the discomfort of indigestion or heartburn.

What is the main role of teeth in digestion?

Teeth are useful in chewing food. The process of chewing helps to break the bigger chunks of food into smaller easily digestible pieces.This helps in easy digestion of food.

How does molar helps in digesting food?

by fine chewing the food, it's facilitate the desintegration of the food in the stomach

How chewing helps in digesting food?

Chewing is technically the first step in animals' digestion process. Both the act of chewing and the introduction of saliva start breaking up the food for use by the body.

What muscles and joints are used during chewing food?

it helps us chew food and speak

What helps keep food between the griding surfaces of the teeth during chewing?


When you're chewing gum does friction occur?

Guess what.. TAYLOR LAUTNER is Jacob Black in New Moon. XD And Yes friction occurs. :] The chewing causes friction between the gum and the teeth.

What helps you swallow your food and allows you to taste it?

The tongue is the organ of taste, and helps in chewing and swallowing.toungue or taste buds maybe ?

Where food is physically broken down into smaller pieces by chewing?

That would be the mouth. Hope this helps.

How does the chewing of sugar-free gum prevent tooth decay and relate to the provess of tooth decay?

Chewing stimulates saliva into your mouth. Savila neutralises acid that weakens teeth, and helps to wash away leftover food and some bacteria. The chewing also helps to dislodge food and bacteria that is stuck to the biting surfaces of your teeth.