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In many energy conversions, some energy gets lost - in some cases through friction. Of course, according to the Law of Conservation of Energy, energy can't really diseappear, but it does get converted into low-value forms, i.e., unusable energy.

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Q: How does friction play a role in the conservation of energy from one form to another?
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Why does Friction turn into Thermal energy?

When the mechanical energy of an object is reduced by friction, it doesn't just disappear due to the law of conservation of energy. It turns into another form of energy instead. That other form of energy is heat.

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What is meant by conservation of energy?

It is meant to transfer energy from one form to another.

Are there any common ways energy is changed from one form to another yet conserved?

Yes. Motors and generators exchange mechanical/electrical energy with heat as the conservation energy component. Heat and friction are the common ways energy is conserved as it is changed from one form of energy to another, e.g chemical to electrical by battery and heat.

The law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is converted into another?

no energy is destroyed in the process

Is the law of conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is transferred to another no energy is destroyed?


If energy can change from one form to another but can never be lost what law is that?

The law of conservation of energy.

Can energy be changed from one form to another?

Yes. Look up the law of conservation of energy.

The law conservation of energy states that when one form of energy is converted into another?

No energy destroyed but only changed.

What The law of conservation of energy says what about series current?

The Law of Conservation of Energy says, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but may change from one form to another."

The law of conservation of energy states when one form of energy is converted into another?

In that case, the total amount of energy is conserved.