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I am sure they breath by their skins, they need to keep their skin moist and fresh so they reside near water so the exchange of oxygen occurs through their oxygen-permeable skin.

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Q: How does frog respire during hibernation?
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Related questions

What is another term for frog hibernation?

Estivation is another form of Hibernation.

What do you do if you find a frog in hibernation?

push it in the water

What is the respiratory organ of an adult frog?

As all living things respire, even toads do respire too. It is just the matter of the way the living things respire. Toads breathe through their skin with whats called cutaneous gas exchange. They also have lungs for when they're out and about, but when in hibernation or submerged in water, they just use their skin. (Did I answer the question?) :D

How fast is a frog's heartbeat during hibernation?

This will depend on the exact species of frog and the exact nature of the conditions it is under however some frogs freeze solid and their heart beat rate is zero.

Where does the frog get its food and oxygen during the winter?

Frogs lower their temperature in the winter and often burrow into mud. They move very little and have oxygen that is dissolved in water.

The abdominal cavity of a frog at the end of hibernation season would contain very small fat bodies of none at all What is the function of fat bodies?

It would contain little or no fat, as fat is used as a long-term food source during hibernation, this is why hibernating animals eat lots of food before hibernation, so that they are able to survive for the hibernation period

What are the parts of the frog's respiratory system?

their skin. they also have lungs but they can respire through their skin.

What are the body parts and functions of a red eyed tree frog?

They have a legs that have poop in them. they have fat that helps them survive and be warm during winter and provides food for them during hibernation.

What do frogs do in winter?

A frog goes in to hibernation during the winter season.While the frog is in hibernation, the fat bodies can provide warmth to it during the cold season and also enable it to float in the frozen ponds. In addition, it can provide the frog with stored food while it is in hibernation for the winter.They hibernate. (where depends on the species)

Why can't plants respire at day?

Plants need to photozynthesis during day does not enable them to respire.

What is the inactive state of some animals during winter month?


What do animals do during hibernation?

Animals stay alive in hibernation as this is a natural process.