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ANSWER: If you are asking about respiration, the simple answer to your question is that it doesn't refuse carbon dioxide. When a frog inhales, it breathes whatever is in the air around it. Since normally there is almost no carbon dioxide in the air (less than 0.1%) the frog inhales almost no carbon dioxide. The blood circulating through the lungs quickly absorbs the oxygen out of the lungs and into blood stream while discharging the carbon dioxide in the blood stream back into the lungs. When the frog exhales, it releases the carbon dioxide from the blood back into the air where it quickly diffuses into the air surrounding the frog. Then the cycle repeats.

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6mo ago

Frogs have a specialized breathing system that allows them to take in oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide. They have lungs that enable them to breathe air, but they also have the ability to respire through their skin. When they are in water, they can absorb oxygen through their skin, and when they are on land, they primarily use their lungs to breathe air.

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What is the function of the frog's respiratory system?

It absorbs oxygen while at the same time releases carbon dioxide across its surface.

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It takes oxygen and gives of carbon dioxide, just like every other animal.

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Trace the path of air through the respiratory system for a frog?

Respiratory system in a frog starts from the mouth, as the mouth expands the air is taken in through the nostrils. Then the nostrils starts closing and the mouth contracts causing the air to get inside the lungs. The body and lungs contract as the mouth opens giving out carbon dioxide. The exchange of air starts at respiratory bronchioles where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is given out.

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The function is for water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to pass through it, enabling the frog to either breathe or keep it's skin moist and keep the insides in.

What organ eliminates most of the carbon dioxide in a frog?

I believe it's still the lungs, but the skin is a huge factor as well.

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What is the respiratory system of a frog?

a frog can be classified having gills and lungs tadpoles have gills while frogs[or adult]have lungs

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No a producer is something that can make its own food using water sunlight and carbon dioxide which is a process called photosynthesise your talking about is/are consumers, consumers eat producers.