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Imagine you had a bunch of bacteria which grow on glucose. Through a genetic mutation one of them gains the abilitiy to digest galactose also. You might think that sugar is sugar and anyhow, there's always enough glucose for everyone. Generally speaking you're right, and the mutant invests more energy than his colleagues to maintain his mutation, which is a disadvantage under normal conditions.

But now imagine an evil scientist, who transfers the bacteria to a galactose-medium: All will starve except mutant, which will grow faster without having neighbours to share his meal with. So the Mutation helped the species to survive.

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13y ago

Pretty much a good affect. With a greater range of possibilities on who to choose to breed with, the best are usually picked, ensuring the best gennes get passed on.

So a higher amount of genetic variation will ensure that there is a lot to choose from, breeding wise.

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11y ago

A population with high genetic diversity or more genetic plasticity i.e. sexual reproduction, less inbreeding ect., the more likely the population can adapt and survive in changing conditions. The more genes there are in a population, the higher the chance some of them will help an individual survive in conditions that may kill off others. And individual that survives will reproduce more, and these helpful genes can spread throughout the population.

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It is to build a stronger immunity against disease in that population.

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Q: How does genetic variation affect population survival?
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