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well, you probably have heard that a long distance relationship just is hard to work out. As of being a student going to high school, I know all about this kind of stuff. After staying in a different environment as your spouse without them, you tend to get lonely. When an opportunity comes for you to get lonely, your brain psychologically does some reflections over your personal life. It will ask questions such as "what is he/ she doing right now?" If you are alone for long then you might conclude that they are cheating on you, etc., etc. As of geography, based on where you live, there are different consequences based your actions. For example, if a woman cheated on their husband, in some places in the world it wont matter to anyone. in other places in the world, though the woman would soon be the talk of the town till the towns-members compel her to do suicide, or will flat out kill her in the first place.

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