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Changes in climate (warmer/colder, wetter/drier) affect the ecologies present in an area. Climate change (sometimes simplistically called global warming) can induce all of these impacts. As a result the plants which grow in areas both wild and crops will change,, the animals supported by the plants will change, and human populations will have to adjust. As examples:

  • droughts will turn some presently productive areas into barren deserts. For humnas this will mean no water supply for major cities.
  • changes in warm spring wether will have food supplies for returning migratory birs out of phase with their breeding and nesting need
  • invasive species will overcome present fish and animals - this includes insects
  • many fish need cool water for breeding and this may change
  • flooding with increased rainfall will alter the course of rivers
  • many animals have migration routes requiring specific weather timing, these animals will not survive
  • feeding and breeding grounds for arctic animals will vanish
  • lowlands will flood with increased ocean levels which will destroy many low lying ecosystems

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Q: How does global warming affect nature?
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How will global warming will affect nature and people?

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no but they get affected by global warming

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Global Warming does affect the survival rate of Polar Bears because Global Warming Melts the ice.

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3 weather danages as a result of global warming

Does Global Warming affect everyone?

yes, that's why they call it GLOBAL warming

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your body warmth and global warming will melt you!

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They do not have any affect on global warming.

How does ocean pollution affect global warming?

Global warming does not really affect ocean pollution. However, ocean pollution is something that is effecting global warming. This is because the pollutants are what is causing the warming trend.

Do meteors affect global warming?

Meteors are not considered a contributing factor to global warming.

Does Global warming affect everybody?

Yes, global warming does affect all the living creatures. Irregular weather patterns and floods in the lowlands are just but examples of how global warming affects everybody.