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Q: How does global warming affect the earth's spheres?
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yes it does because it somehow affects global warming

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It is not, because the greenhouse affect causes global warming.

Does the earths water percent affect global warming?

yes, because water gets polluted. and pollution same as polluted is like global warming. so yes it will affect global warming. even though any percent unless the percent is very little.

Why earth have a global warming?

There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

How do natural gases affect global warming?

How is global warming happening

Do rain forests affect global warming?

no but they get affected by global warming

What is gradual warming of Earth's surface?

The gradual warming of earths surface is called global warming.

How will global warming affect us in NZ?

well, global warming is going to affect us all.

Does global warming affect the survival rate of polar bears?

Global Warming does affect the survival rate of Polar Bears because Global Warming Melts the ice.

Where did global warming affect?

3 weather danages as a result of global warming

Does Global Warming affect everyone?

yes, that's why they call it GLOBAL warming

How does global warming affect sports?

your body warmth and global warming will melt you!