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Global warming mostly effects arctic wolves that live in areas with lots of ice and snow, so one factor that causes population decrease is the loss of habitat, which is also caused by human stretching. Global warming also destroys the habitat of wolves' prey, so they die and wolves have less food, so they are forced to hunt in harder conditions with more challenging, larger prey that can survive global warming. Not only is the prey harder to get, but the land the wolves hunt in is less 'white' without snow, so they have a much harder time blending in, because of their white, or light colored fur that most arctic wolves have, which makes hunting much harder. A more unknown factor is the ice starts to chip and spike up in certain areas in the process of melting, which can cut and split paw pads of wolves, leading to infection and injury. And obviously, the warmer climate isn't what the wolves are used to, so they must learn to adapt.

Mostly, that is for arctic wolves, other wolves have a different situation.

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6mo ago

Global warming affects wolves in various ways. As temperatures rise, it can disrupt their natural habitat and prey availability. Additionally, warmer temperatures can lead to an increase in the severity and frequency of wildfires, which can destroy the habitats of wolves. Finally, climate change can also impact the availability of water sources for wolves, affecting their ability to survive and hunt effectively.

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