

How does gravity affect different types of objects?

Updated: 6/19/2021
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8y ago

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Gravity's direct effect on all mass, large and small, moving and static, is to pull on that mass with a force that's proportional to the quantity of mass. In math talk that's W = Mg = mass * gravity = force of gravity.

But gravity affects many things indirectly. For example, gravity pulls on Earth's atmosphere and that keeps the air we breathe close to the ground where we live. Gravity also pulls on water cascades that give us the likes of Niagara falls so that newly weds can have a lovely honeymoon. Gravity also causes us to plunge down Devil's Dip at breakneck speeds on the roller coaster. And gravity helps to keep our food in our stomachs when we take that death defying ride.

Bottom line, gravity is everywhere on Earth and it affects everything here on Earth. It's also everywhere else in our global universe. And it's affecting everything else there as well.

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Duane Anymouse

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2y ago
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gravity affects all object in the same way, as a gravitation attraction between two objects. the only changing factor between objects is the objects mass. the larger the mass, the more gravity acts on it.

the equation for gravity of any two given objects is g = Gm1m2/r^2

that is to say that the gravitational force between two objects of mass 1 and mass 2 is equal to their masses multiplyed by eachother and the gravitational constant G over their distance apart squared. the further two objects are from eachother, the weaker the force is between them.

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