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Q: How does gravity partly determined the shape of an orbit?
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How does gravity effect motion?

Gravity is completely responsible for planetary motion. The shape and size of each orbit, and the speed of the planet at every point in its orbit, taken along with the mass of the sun, are completely determined by the behavior of gravity.

What effects does gravity have on planets orbit?

Gravity, together with the planet's total kinetic and potential energy, completely determines the size and shape of the orbit.

What orbit shape does earth move in from the effects of gravity and inertia?

An ellipse.

What force causes the shape of the earth's orbit?

gravity im pretty sure

What relatinionship are there between the distance of the planets to the sun and theirn orbit shape?


What is the shape of the orbit when the velocity of the satellite is everywhere perpendicular to the force of gravity?

If the velocity of the satellite is always perpendicular to the force of gravity, then the eccentricity of the orbit is zero, and it's perfectly circular.

How does gravity determine the shape of an orbit?

Under the Sun's gravity a planet follows an elliptical orbit that conforms to Kepler's laws of planetary motion. This was discovered at the end of the 1600s by Isaac Newton.

What controls a rocket ship in space?

Gravity is the biggest determining factor of the direction of motion of a vessel in orbit, and the rocket's engines are used to change the shape of that orbit.

What makes Saturn's shape?

The rings are particles of dust that are drawn in by the planet's gravity. They orbit Saturn in a spinning motion.

How does gravity maintain the shape of the solar system?

Gravity pulls in the sun and the planets to stay together in the orbit . The planets have gravitational force between them so they wont fall out.

Why do the planets orbit the sun What is the shape of those orbits?

Planets orbit the sun because gravity keeps them from escaping, and momentum keeps them moving forward. The orbits are elliptical, which is like an oval.

Why is planet earths journey around the sun?

The reason that Earth travels around the sun is because of gravity. The Gravity of the sun pulls all the planets towards it. This gravity will pull all material that is not moving into it, and material that is currently moving will be pulled into an orbit. The shape of the orbit depends on the original speed of the object.