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it helps because of the nutrients inside... like how acid helps get rid of thing... like acid eats things up. well so does green tea! thats also why alot of people say it is bad for you. hope this helped!

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Q: How does green tea help to lose wight?
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Will green tea help you lose 30 pounds in 2 months?

There is no way to determine how much single action will help you lose in a certain time period. How much you lose also depends on your eating and exercise routine in addition to the green tea.

Can you lose kilograms in 6 weeks?

Yes. you can lose kilograms in 6 weeks. Drinking green tea will help.

Are there any weight loss systems that utilize green tea?

I have heard that green tea can help people lose weight. You could also buy green tea capsules in case you get tired of drinking the tea all the time.

Will Slim fast Chinese tea help you to lose weight?

Possibly, but regular Chinese green tea is much healthier!

What are the benefits of a green tea diet?

A green tea diet is full of antioxidants. It also can help prevent cancer, help control weight and even helps as an anti-inflammatory.

What teas can help you lose weight?

Green Tea, busts your metabolism. Lemon Tea, Cleanses the system. cinnamon Tea, also busts your metabolism.

Do green tea body capsules work?

Green tea is known to speed up our metabolism. In this way, they can help you lose weight when combined with a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet.

Will tea help you lose weight?

Only green tea helps you in weight loss. If you see the ingredients of many weight loss medicines its main ingredient is green tea. Green Tea contain high amount of catechin polyphenols which intensify the process of fat burning in your body. If you drink green tea regularly it will gradually increase the metabolism of your body and help in burning fats naturally.

Do green tea and weight loss link?

The best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise. Green tea is full of antioxidants and may help in losing weight. For additional information please see:

Is there any proof that green tea helps you lose weight?

Green tea does help with weight loss. However, this is not yet proven on humans, only on test rats in laboratories so the result is not necessarily accurate.