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Q: How does ground water get refilled?
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Because you have refilled the bottle germs from your salivia could cause the bacteria to accumulate over a long period of time.. Does this help ???

How does an aquifer get refilled?

For an aquifer to be refilled it either needs to have permeable beds above it so water can percolate down to it or it needs to have recharge zones in which the same percolation process can occur

How does water lakes and rivers get refilled?

Rainfall, Snowmelt, Runoff, naturally occurring springs.

Do dehumidifiers have a water colector that needs changing or do you just let them sit and do nothing?

The water is used so it will need to be changed and or refilled.

Is water table and ground water the same?

Similar, the water table is where we find ground water, ground water is simply water in the ground

Can bottled Poland Spring water be refilled?

You should not. Why? Because the plastic will breakdown and eventually you will be drinking plastic.

What is water that soaks into the ground called?

The water that soaks in ground called as ground water .

What Is Water soaks into the ground called?

The water that soaks in ground called as ground water .

What is under ground water?

ground water

Where is ground water found?

In the ground

Where does ground water come from?

Runoff or precipatation. Water seeps into the ground and forms ground water.

How does water go under the ground to become ground water?

the ground obsorves the water so then there is no mre water left but it is in the water