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it affects how they treat animals because they consider all life sacred

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Q: How does hail effect the environment?
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How does hail effect humans?

they can die.

How is energy returned to the environment through the decay of biomass?

we in hail it

How does DNA fingerprinting effect the environment?

It has an effect on the environment because crimes are in the environment so

What are harmful effect of hail?

The only harmful thing I know about hail is that the cloud can produce huge drops of water that cools down on the way down (making hail) and if the hail contains huge clumps of ice they can damage about anything on the ground.

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how does physical environment effect human sediment?

HOW does lightning effect the environment?

lightning does have an effect on the environment it can put nitrogen in the ground for plants to use

What effect does hydrogen power have on the surrounding environment?

It has a very small effect on the environment. It is eco-friendly! (-:

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effect of multinationals on environment

How does a helicopter effect the environment?

Helicopters do not affect the environment.

How does the environment affect the formation of a fossil?

Hail storms have been known to cancel fossilizations

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How does the six pack effect the environment?

It kills the environment and animals.