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Take for example with the bunsen burner those who science at school it is because the heat gets hotter that it changes colour

Now if you quickly waved your hand through the orange flame you would be absolutely fine but if you did it through the blue flame you would get serious burns.

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Q: How does heat affect flame color?
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How does the color of the flame affect the smoke produced?

Both the smoke and the color of the flame are due to the material burning. The color of the flame has no effect ON the smoke.

How you can calculate the heat irradiative by the flame?

You can calculate the heat of a flame by its color. Normally the hotter that the flame is the bluer that the flame will burn. If the flame is red that means it is burning at a cooler temerature.

What does the color of a candle flame indicate?

it indicates that the blue is the high heat the the red orange is for low heat

How does color affect how an object absorbs heat?

White color doesn't absorbs heat and black color absorbs heat much.

Why the tempr of tip of flame is hotter than other zones?

Because heat rises. That means the top of the flame would br holding 99% of the heat. That is why the tip is hotter than other areas og the flame.

What flame gives an intense heat?

It's not about the flame, rather what it is coming from. You can tell how hot the flame is by the color, blue being above normal and dark orange being the hottest. If you want some real heat try thermite.

why is blue color more economical in flame?

When the flame takes on the color of blue this means that the fire is at the highest temperature. The fire is at its hottest and may take lesser time to heat whatever needs to be heated.

How do colar and texture affect the amount of heat absored?

if it is a light color, the heat reflects off of the object. likewise, if it is a dark color it absorbes the heat faster

What is the color of the flame of mercury?

The color of Mercury in flame is red.

What is the color of the flame of boric acid?

The flame color of boron in the flame test is bright green.

Does the color of a shirt affect the amount of heat it absorbs?

yes, the darker it is, the more heat it absorbs.

What is the difference between flame and heat?

"Flame" is the visible energy when burning something. "Heat" is given off a flame and countless other things. Flame produces heat, but heat does not always generate from flame, and heat almost never produces flame (friction might count). And if you want the definitions: HEAT: a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature. FLAME: the process of combustion of materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke. If you want to think of it a different way: Flame is what you see when you look at a fire and heat if what you feel from the fire.