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Yes. Contrary to popular belief, heavy metal actually provides a productive & healthy source of light for children & teens of all backgrounds, especially those that are troubled. Take the topic of suicide. Metal bands have, time & time again, been sued by idiot parents & follow-the-herd media outlets for "causing their kids to commit suicide", when metal actually leads kids in the opposite direction, giving them encouragement, hope, a sense of community, meaning to their lives, and the idea that there exists another human that relates to their plight.

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Q: How does heavy metal influence children in a positive way?
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Does heavy metal have a positive influence?

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Of course, Dream Theater, DragonForce and Ozzy have one, but the problem is that if you want to be real heavy, having a keyboardist is a disadvantage sometimes, but Death Metal band Children Of Bodom proves that wrong.

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Nu-metal, heavy metal, alternative metal, groove metal.

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