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A female rhinoceros gives birth to a baby rhinoceros, a female human gives birth to a baby human; that is heredity. Traits are inherited from parents. This happens because of information encoded in genes.

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Q: How does heredity explain why you don't look like a rhinoceros?
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How do you use a sentence with heredity?

Heredity is the passing of genetic information from parents to offspring. An example sentence using heredity could be: "Eye color, height, and certain diseases can be influenced by heredity and are inherited from our parents."

What beetle looks like a rhinoceros and where is it found?

They are callede rhinoceros beetles and are found in Guam

What is the nervous system of a rhinoceros?

All mammals have a similar nervous systems. They are like humans, dogs, cats, mice, and rhinoceros.

Why you look like a rhinoceros?

because of your parent fool

What is a rhinocerotoid?

A rhinocerotoid is a rhinocerotine (rhinoceros-like) humanoid creature.

How did rhinoceros gets it horn?

They were born like that

Why do rhinoceros have thick skin?

because it felt like it and cause it can

What animal has the tongue like an Anteater?

Elephants, Rhinoceros', ETC.

What are some unanswered questions about heredity?

These are a few: How does the microbiome (associated bacteria, both good and bad) affect our genetics. How can the genome explain our behaviors and non-physical phenotypes like personality. Just what is 'junk' DNA.

What year was heredity found?

Heredity is part of your DNA and how it is structured. You have a combination of both of your parents DNA because you are copied. That is why you look like your parents

What beetle looks looks like a rhinoceros?

a Japanese rhinoceros beetle. also known as a Japanese horned beetle and kabutmushi.

How is heredity and evolution related?

It is because Allah made it like that