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Hindus believe in 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' - meaning the entire earth is one family. This envisages the incorporation of all faiths and religions into one universal religion where all have respect for others.

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they meditate and.....stuff like that

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Q: How does hinduism incorporate many beliefs and practices into one religion?
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How does Hinduism incorporate many beliefs and practices into religion?

By understanding that one shoe does not fit all feet. We are told to respect the belief of others, though continue with our own.

What are the main beliefs and practices of Hinduism?

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Where is Hinduism most practiced today?

Hinduism is an old religion based on the beliefs of karma and dharma. Hinduism is practiced through out India and is their dominant religion.

Is Hinduism is growing?

Hinduism is growing, if you mean the number of people born into this religion Hinduism is the third largest religion by numbers, Christianity and Islam being the first two. However, it is not growing by virtue of new beliefs, as the beliefs of the religion has been established, as it were, from the beginning of time. Every fdsaj.,m,.c

What are some beliefs and health practices of different religions?

Hinduism has ayurveda, a system of health that is part of their religion. Judaism has kosher laws which were originally health related. Islam has a prescribed healthy diet.

Which beliefs and practices have scientific?

Mostly that would be religion and politics.

What religion grew from a mixture of Aryan beliefs and those of the harrapans?

hinduism duu

Is Hoodoo a religion?

Hoodoo is not considered a religion but rather a system of spiritual practices and beliefs. It is often associated with African American folk magic and has roots in African and European traditions. Hoodoo encompasses a range of practices including spellwork, divination, and herbal medicine, but it does not have a centralized structure or dogma like organized religions.

Did Hinduism start the beliefs of reincarnation?

Yes, Beliefs of reincarnationare deeply rooted in Hindu religion. But not only limited to Hinduism , Judasim, Jainism & Islam also believes in reincarnation.

Which beliefs and practices have no scientific bases?

Mostly that would be religion and politics.