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Structures which are apparently different and performing different functions but their basic structure is similar are called homologous structures and indicate common ancestry eg. fore limbs of bat , whale , horse dog and man apparently different but are made up of humerus , radius , ulna , carpel , metacarpals and phalanges .

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12y ago
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11y ago

Homologous structures only contain single celled living organisms, meaning that they are an excellent basis for the theory of evolution as, through mitosis, all single celled organisms have evolved into what are now multi celled lifeforms.

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12y ago

Yes, as homologous structures, which are now supported by molecular genetic and biochemistry, are evidence for common ancestry. Look at the foreleg of your dog or cat and you will see that the bones of your forearm are quite homologous to the bones in these mammals forelegs. Now, compare your are to a chimpanzees are and, except for bone length, they are almost the same. This shows you, and the genetics and biochemistry back this up, that the chimpanzee is a closer mammal relative to you than the dog or cat.

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13y ago

Since the term Homology refers to evolution and the development of different species of organisms, it is to say that the prove for evidence is inferred upon their descent from a common evolutionary ancestor in which their structure is similar from the present species but differ in their function because of their evolution and adaptation to the environment exposed through time.

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10y ago

Homologies were an important clue for common descent. However, the evidence for common descent is not just homologies. It is the fact that homologies and analogies - similar and divergent characteristics - together form a pattern of nested hierarchies.

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11y ago

Homologous structures are derived from a same common ancestor. They proved evidence of evolution in that something can be traced back by that common strand.

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11y ago

It dusnt exist!

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Q: How does homologous structures and analogous structures provide evidence that evolution has occurred?
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What are 4 pieces of evidence of evolution?

Part 1: Evidence from the Fossil Record Part 2: Evidence from Geographic Distribution of Living Species Part 3: Evidence from Homologous Structures and Vestigial Organs Part 4: Evidence from Embryology

What are four areas of study used as evidence of evolution?

Part 1: Evidence from the Fossil RecordPart 2: Evidence from Geographic Distribution of Living SpeciesPart 3: Evidence from Homologous Structures and Vestigial OrgansPart 4: Evidence from Embryologymore: What_are_the_four_pieces_of_evidence_for_evolution

What provides physical evidence of descent with modification over long periods of time?

Homologous Structures

How do analogous structures support evolution?

Since the wings of insects and birds have different structures (or different designs) but perform similar functions, they are analogous organs. Now, since the analogous organs have different basic design, so they do not indicate a common ancestor for the organism. The analogous organs provide evidence for the evolution in another way. The presence of analogous organs indicates that even the organisms having organs with different structures can adapt to perform similar functions for their survival under hostile environmental conditions. Thus, the presence of analogous organs in different animals provide evidence for evolution by telling us that though they are not derived from common ancestors, they can still evolve to perform similar functions to survive, flourish and keep on evolving in the prevailing environment. The analogous organs actually provide a mechanism for evolution.

How does the existence of homologous structures support the theory of evolution?

When comparing earlier and later developments, homologous structures become more refined through time. When comparing common ancestors, we can compare the derivations of a homologous structure between two successors and also between the ancestor and each successor. We thus see several relationships between this and that, from 'right now', 'a little before now' and 'way back then'. For example, we see two species whose legs are very similarly structured, and then we find an ancestor that also possessed such a leg, except it was simpler or shorter or in a different ratio between sections. We can draw conclusions that the later species developed both from this earlier one, and that this earlier one died out, after its successors (which eventually became the newer species) could survive more often because they had better structured legs.

Related questions

What evolution has produced many of the analogous structures in organisms today?

They don't. Homologous structures provide evidence for evolution not analogous structures.

What are 3 types of evidence for evolution?

The basic textbook answer is: embryology, homologous and analogous structures, and fossils. However these are old ideas and don't stand on their own two feet, so to speak, when more research is done into them.

What is an explanation of why bird wings and reptile forelegs are evidence of evolution?

Homologous structures indicate a common ancestor

Similarity of structure of the forelimb of a bird and a mammal is an example of what evidence?

Homologous structures - the forelimb structures are anatomically similar and were derived from a common ancestor; however, they have evolved completely different uses. This provides evidence for divergent evolution or adaptive radiation.

What are 4 pieces of evidence of evolution?

Part 1: Evidence from the Fossil Record Part 2: Evidence from Geographic Distribution of Living Species Part 3: Evidence from Homologous Structures and Vestigial Organs Part 4: Evidence from Embryology

Explain why the homologous structures in Part 1 are evidence of evolutionary relationships?

Homologous structures are the remnants of structures long ago that have evolved into other things now. This is why they are evidence of evolutionary relationships.

What do homologous structers vestigial structures and fossils provide evidence of what?

which model of evolution shows change over a relatively short period fo time

What are four areas of study used as evidence of evolution?

Part 1: Evidence from the Fossil RecordPart 2: Evidence from Geographic Distribution of Living SpeciesPart 3: Evidence from Homologous Structures and Vestigial OrgansPart 4: Evidence from Embryologymore: What_are_the_four_pieces_of_evidence_for_evolution

What homologous structures in different species evidence of?

Homologous structures in different species are evidence of a common evolutionary ancestry. These structures have a similar origin, but may have different functions in different species. Studying homologous structures helps researchers understand how species have diverged and evolved over time.

What are 2 ways that organisms can be compared to provide evidence of evolution from a commo ancestor?

Here's three: homologous genes, ERVs, and examining physical structures of the skeletal system.

How are homologous evidence for evolution?

they are born from the same species and they look alik

What is a homologous structure and what does it show?

== == Homologous provide evidence for evolution because it shows the similarities and how we evolved from the same ancestors