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Q: How does human rights and equal opportunities work in relation to your role as a volunteer?
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What doze equality mean?

To be equal, equal in status, rights, and opportunities.

In the 1800s womens opportunities and rights did or did not equal those of men?

did not

What is Feminsm?

Feminism is; the belief in the need to secure rights and opportunities for women equal to those of men, or a commitment to securing these it can also mean; the movement committed to securing and defending rights and opportunities for women that are equal to those of men

Who said that all people should have equal opportunities in life?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was the civil rights leaders who said "all men should have equal opportunities in life". Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was known as an activist for equal rights. Other civil rights leaders agreed with Mr. King. Also many elected officials agreed with the concept of equal rights.

What does iquality mean?

"Equality" refers to the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. It implies fair treatment and access to resources for all individuals, regardless of their differences.

Meaning of equality?

Equality means the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

What best describes President trumans stand on civil rights?

President Truman wanted to provide equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.

How are equal opportunities different in education?

If the opportunities are different then they are not equal.

What are some characteristics of the reconstruction period?

new legislation and constitutional amendments attempted to provide equal rights and opportunities for blacks

What is the meaning of the term equal opportunities?

Equal opportunities in care homes

What do girls stand for?

They stand for having equal human rights as males including work and labor opportunities, sex freedom and rights for abortions, same sex marrigae, ... etc

How are woman's rights and opportunities protected in Jamaica?

they are equal, because women are independent farmers and business owners, just like the men.