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Identity Theft is a serious issue! If a teenager has experienced this or an adult your first step is to file a police report with your local police station. Or go online, and file a report. Once this is taken care of, call Equifax and put a fraud alert on your credit report (a simple process) immediately. Then prepare an explanation letter (formal letter), and mail this to all three bureaus with your most recent copy of your credit report, police report, copy of drivers license, and social security card. This should prepare you the teen of any future unfortunate events. If they are going through fraud with different creditors you will need to contact a credit repair organization or do your research and try to fix this immediately.

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Q: How does identity theft affect teens?
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Congress declared identity theft a federal crime in 1998 when it passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act

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Identity theft can have a seriously negative impact on your credit. When thieves steal your identity, they are likely to try to open a new line of credit in your name. If they succeed, they can make purchases with that card, and you will be responsible for the charges. Even if you dispute the charges, the unpaid bills will be reflected in your credit report. Unfortunately, cleaning up a credit report after an incident of identity theft can be a long and costly process.

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LifeLock provides a proactive identity theft service, specializing in the prevention of identity theft rather than the reporting of it. 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft, protect your's with LifeLock, backed with a $1 Million Service Guarantee

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LifeLock provides a proactive identity theft service, specializing in the prevention of identity theft rather than the reporting of it. 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft, protect your's with LifeLock, backed with a $1 Million Service Guarantee

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Identity Theft Attorneys do not have a specific average cost but fees may range from $100 upwards per hour. Typically it is believed that every person who is the victim of identity theft spends somewhere in the region of $350 on an Identity Theft Attorney.

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LifeLock provides a proactive identity theft service, specializing in the prevention of identity theft rather than the reporting of it. 1 in 4 people have experienced identity theft, protect your's with LifeLock, backed with a $1 Million Service Guarantee