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Q: How does infrared radiation affect the environment?
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How do infrared rays affect your environment?

Infrared rays are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is the range of electromagnetic radiation, so if put in the hands of the human industry with weaponising and telescopes and the DVD's it is bad for the environment and is what is effecting the changes of climate through its radiational effect. Infrared rays affect the environment by giving of radiation, causing cancer etc.

How does infrared radiation affect humans?

We experience it as heat.

What is the common name for infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation, infrared, heat radiation.

How are infrared waves and infrared radiation related?

infrared waves and infrared radiation both are same

Is heat radiation called infrared radiation?

yes, heat radiation is called infrared radiation

Is infrared radiation to human?

infrared radiation is invisible to humans

What type of radiation does electric cooker grill have?

I think its infrared radiation.

Which form of radiation has the longest wavelength between infrared and visible?

Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths.

Infrared radiation is what type of energy?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic energy

How hot is infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation is sometimes referred to as thermal radiation. The temperature of infrared radiation varies from object to object. All objects radiate infrared, even objects at room temperature and frozen objects.

Give an example of infrared radiation and uv radiation?

Infrared radiation in an stove oven and uv radiation in a tanning bed.

Human e mit infrared radiation?

yes, humans emit infrared radiation