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Q: How does interferon protect cells from viral infection?
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A researcher detects interferon in a laboratory rat and concludes that?

The rat has, or recently had, a viral infection.

What is interferon's?

Interferon is a fluid protein found in everyone's bloodstream. It is made by the body to protect body cells from being invaded by viruses. Interferon is also used as an injection into a person that is deathly sick from a virus attack of some kind.

Which substances cause noninfected cells to form an antiviral protein that slows or stops viral multiplication?


How do interferons provide a defense against viruses?

When a cell is infected with virus it sends out an interferon to warn other cells around it to stop transcription and translation and to produce antiviral proteins

How does interferon help virus infected cell?

Interferons are messenger molecules secreted by virus-infected cells to notify cells in the vicinity of a viral invasion.

How does interferon prevent the spread of viral infections?


What would a drug that damages capsids help treat a viral infection?

Capsids protect the viral nucleic acid they surround.

What group of pathogens do natural killer cells protect the body from?

Viral infections and cancerous cells

Does interferon prevent viral replication?

It prevents the replication of viral infections, this then stops the virus from spreading further into our system.

Does treating a viral infection with antibiotics affect the course of the infection?

Antibiotics do nothing to treat a viral infection. However, in some cases a physician thinks a patient needs a bacterial infection treated in order to throw off a viral infection.

Which of these is the best definition for interferon?

a chemical produced by the body to fight viral infections