

How does isolation lead to evolution?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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Isolation can lead to evolution due to a reduction in the amount a species has to maintain its current gene pool. An example of isolation is a population on an island, like the Galapagos Islands. When changes do happen in a specie's DNA, having a small population reduces the chances for that change to become erased due to breeding. Changes within a small, isolated population are magnified due to the relatively small number of individuals they can breed with.

To bring this question to another perspective, say that water represents a population and red dye means a change in an individual's DNA; mutation. More water means many individuals. Less water means few individuals. Take for example a large Olympic-sized swimming pool and put one drop of red dye in it. Chances are, the water will still be clear. This is your large, non-isolated population. On the other hand, take a mug of water and put that one drop of red dye in it. Chances are the mug of water will have a noticeably different colour. This is your small, isolated population.

As you can imagine, changes within a smaller population are much more profound. Because the population is small, there is a limited group in which species can pass their genes on to future generations, so these mutations in DNA are not erased so easily. That is why on remote islands such as the Galapagos, there are many species that are unique only to that island.

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The evolution of reproductive isolation

Why is isolation important in evolution?

It is the reproductive isolation between populations that allows divergence between populations, and ultimately speciation, to occur. Often this reproductive isolation is the result of geographical isolation, for instance when part of a population migrates to new territories.

Does geographic isolation contribute to evolution-?

A geographic barrier eg mountain range, river, ocean, desert, can split a species into two populations which can no longer mix with each other. By splitting up a species into two separate populations a geographic barrier can lead to the formation of a new species. The two separate populations start to develop in isolation from each other. Different mutations will occur in the two populations and natural selection will adapt them to the slightly different conditions in the two areas. Given enough time the two populations will become so different that if they are brought together again they will no longer be able to interbreed ie they will have become two different species. This is called allopatric speciation.

What are three types of barriers that can lead to reproductive isolation?

The three types of reproductive isolation are: 1. Temporal isolation: different times of reproduction 2. Behavioral isolation: different habits of the same species 3. Geographical isolation: species are separated by natural barriers

Which is an eaxmple of how isolation has affected the australasian ecozone?

Isolation in the distant past is the reason why Australia is home to many native marsupial (pouched) animals today.

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It is the reproductive isolation between populations that allows divergence between populations, and ultimately speciation, to occur. Often this reproductive isolation is the result of geographical isolation, for instance when part of a population migrates to new territories.

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That would be geographic isolation and reproductive isolation. Both could lead to speciation.

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Allopatric speciation.Allopactric speciation. Geographic isolation. Adaptive radiation can also result from geographic isolation.