

How does isostasy affect the sea floor?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How does isostasy affect the sea floor?
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sea-floor spreading

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One theory is that gravity pulls the old heavier ocean floor with more force than the newer lighter sea floor.

Where is sea floor crust created?

It was created on the sea floor.

How is the sea floor able to spread?

the sea floor separates. magma comes up the crack forming new sea floor

What variables besides Moon's gravity affect tides on earth?

The profile of the sea floor - particularly near coastal areas.

The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor?

DA ANSWER ISseafloor spreadingThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_calledThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_called

How did harry hess find out that the sea floor was spreading?

He used a navy ship to sound the sea floor. He found out magma was coming out of the mantle and into the sea floor.