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Q: How does it feel to be on an airplane?
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Why don't you feel the speed of the airplane when flying?

Because Of The Cabin Pressure

What do you feel on an airplane takeoff?

When an airplane takes off, passengers will feel the acceleration and lift off of the plane as it leaves the ground. Sometimes this can make passengers nervous, or as it receives elevation, it can make peoples ears pop.

How does a rc airplane simulator work?

A RC simulator is a combination of computer graphics and mechanical mechanisms that allows you to simulate the actual look and feel of flying an airplane.

What is the drag of an airplane?

The drag of an airplane is the air resistance caused by the plane flying through air. Similar to when you pull your hand through water and feel resistance.

Can you feel the winds in an airplane if flying over tropical storm Lee?

"No", would be the short answer.

How do it feel to fly on a airplane?

It usually feels awesome for a person to fly on an air plane.

What does flying in an airplane feel like?

it feels sickish in your stomach at first but then it feels fun

How did Amelia Earhart feel about fling her first airplane by her self?

flying is the corrrect spelling not "fling" which is fling as in having an affair!!

Can a human fly with out an airplane?

Generally no, but I believe you are the exception. So feel free to try, let us know how it goes

What does it feel like to fly in an airplane?

it usually feels like there's a bit of pressure and (sometimes) like you need to pee.

What did the airplane look like when it was first invented?

What do you feel when you first see the photo?

How does it feel to fly on a airplane?

A lot like riding in a car, just with a bit more noise and a way better view