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Atticus uses a pun by saying the jury's choice was as clear as black and white.

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Lee uses humor to lighten the mood and change the tone of the conversation between Atticus and the children about the jury's verdict by having Scout and Jem mimic the jury's decision-making process in a playful way, making the situation more digestible and less heavy. By incorporating humor, Lee helps to soften the blow of the disappointing verdict and provides a moment of levity amid the seriousness of the situation.

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Q: How does lee use humor to change tone of atticus conversation with the children about the jurys verdict?
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Does Atticus Finch change throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?

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Can they change not guilty to guilty after they read the verdict on the same day?

Never heard of this happening, but I do not believe that it oculd the way you describe. Once the verdict is announced from the bench - THAT is IT! They would have to re-open the trial, or have a whole other hearing before they could just change the delivered verdict. Would need to know more about the circumstances in order to comment further.