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"Legal Personality : A company is legally recognized as having an identity separate from that of its owners. This means, for example, that if the products sold by a company are found to be dangerous or faulty, the company itself can be prosecuted, not the owners, as would be the case with either a sole trader or partnership. A company can be sued and can sue others through the courts."

"Continuity: In a company, the death of an owner or director does not lead to its break-up or dissolution. All that happens is that ownership continues through the inheritance of the shares, and there is no break in ownership at all."

Answer: Legal Personality and Continuity help companies and businesses to operate efficiently because both of them protect the company or business to collapse because of a lack of owner.

Source: Business and Management for the IB Dipolma. by Peter Stimpson and Alex Smith (pg. 14)

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Q: How does legal personality and continuity help business companies to operate effectively?
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There are dedicated business continuity software companies that can be found via business contacts, the Yellow Pages, or on the internet. Many companies choose to develop their own business continuity software in-house. This approach allows the software to be tailored to the particular business.

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What is business continuity?

It is about plans and strategies that will enable you to continue your business operations and enable you to recover quickly and effectively from any type disruption and it provides a framework for building organizational resilience. Business continuity plan is most important for an organization to recovery the business after any disaster. There are companies such as Maclear LLC providing this services. So an organization can easily find solutions.

Where can business continuity tools be found?

Business continuity tools can be found on the All Stream website. There are other companies who can also provide these tools for one's business similar in nature.

What is the primary goal of a business continuity planning?

Business Continuity plan involves in defining risks, determining how it will affect the organization and to mitigate the risks. Maintains a repository of tests related to business continuity and disaster recovery.Organizations can assess the criticality of assets, business processes and technologies to develop business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Now a days there are many companies which provides Business Continuity Solutions such as Maclear.

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Business continuity consultants help companies figure out their long-term goals. These consultants assist clients in planning for the future and remaining a viable business.

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A business continuity program is a form of cheap insurance that provides a procedure for how a company will continue running in the case of a disaster, such as a fire at the office. You can get a business continuity program general insurance companies and filling out the required paperwork.

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What are business continuity certifications used for?

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