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Neil Leiper's model of tourism focused on four areas of tourism: tourism systems, partial industrialisation, tourist attraction systems, and strategy. This helps students understand all the aspects of tourism from matching tourists with the right package, to planning and running thier own tourism business.

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Q: How does leiper's model of tourism help student understand tourism as an indusrty?
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accomodation,transportation,catering,tourists guide, entertainment,

How leipers model helps students in understanding tourism as an industry?

neil leipers helped students by ensuring that tourists travel with the proper package of their destination and to know that, need to involve themselves with unusual places of residence for one or more nights

Why is tourism an important industry?

IT provides countries with income and jobs across a wide range of indusrty sectors

Why is tourism such an important industry?

IT provides countries with income and jobs across a wide range of indusrty sectors

What leipers model?

lei per's model is a system that work due to the tourism industry,by help many tourists in their different types of trips they want to take during their holidays

What is tourism student?

tourism student is the one who taking up of tourism course. they can say that tourism is just an easy subject but they really don't know that being a part of the tourism industry is not, you have a lot things to do, a lot things to remember.

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A person who studies tourism is typically referred to as a tourism scholar or tourism student. They delve into diverse aspects of tourism, including cultural, economic, and environmental impacts. This field of study often involves understanding travel trends, tourism management, sustainable practices, and the relationship between tourists and their destinations. The knowledge and skills gained can lead to careers in travel planning, hospitality management, and tourism policy-making.

Famous people influenced the hospitality industry?

let me guess.. you're a tourism student ) im also waiting for an answer>.<