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Light never actually "knows" anything. It exhibits both wave and particle properties all at the same time. Electrons also exhibit both otherwise an electron microscope wouldn't work. Even Golf balls have wave properties but they are so small we can't notice or observe them. The wavelength of any particle can be worked out from the formula wavelength = h / mv where "h" is plank's constant (6.626x10 -34 joules/second) "m" is the mass and "v" is the velocity.

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Q: How does light know when to act like a particle or a wave?
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How do you detect if light is a particle or a wave?

Light is both a wave and a particle depending on circumstances; this is referred to as the wave-particle duality of light.

What are the nature of light?

Light acts like both a particle and a wave.

Is light a matter. explain?

Light is quite complicated as it has wave-particle duality. Sometimes it acts like a particle other times like a wave. But technically no, it is not matter, it is made of energy

Why can't light be classified as a separate particle with wave and particle nature?

Not sure what you mean, as the photon is classified as a separate particle. Light, like electrons, sometimes displays particle characteristics and sometimes displays wave characteristics.

Does light behave only like a wave?

No it also behaves like a particle

Is light a particle?

Yes. Light has both particle and wave properties.

Does light behave like a particle or a wave?

Both. For more information, read the Wikipedia article (or some other source) on "wave-particle duality".

Does a laser make use of the wave nature of light or the particle nature of light or both?

Lasers don't really "make use" of either the wave or particle nature of light. Or they make use of both. But because a laser emits what is called coherent light, it could be argued that the wave nature of light is best at describing the light the laser emits.Lasers make use of Boltzmann energy distribution statistics, which doesn't have anything to do with the particle or wave description of light. Lasers work by creating a population inversion in a chemical compound which creates stimulated emission when excited.Light has both wave-like and particle-like properties at the same time. It is said to exhibit particle-wave duality. Light is what it is -- the fact that we describe it using both a particle and a wave description is only a reflection of our inability to fully describe light in using one single intuitive model (because we have no intuitive experience with things that have both wave and particle properties simultaneously).

Is light a wave or a particle and why?

Light is sometimes described as a wave and sometimes as a particle. Give evidence to support the wave of natural light

Is there any kind of speed greater than light?

no...but there are particles which have speeds closer to light,like photons,god particle(matter-wave)particle

What are the dual properties of light?

it can behave like a particle and like a wave (a photon and the E.M spectrum) are the dual properties of light.

What is the wave particle of light?
