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The nectar attracts bees (or other insects) who collect it and bring it back to the hive. Pollen rubs on the bees boddy, and it effectivly carries it to another flower where the pollen will fertilise it.

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14y ago

Nectar provides pollinators an additional reward for visiting a flower. Most nectar is composed of sugar and water, and for many pollinators nectar and pollen are the primary foos sources. Most pollinators will visit a flower, drink the nectar and in the process transfer pollen from the male flower parts (anthers) to the female flower parts (stigma). The pollen fertilizes the plants seeds while the pollinator receives a little sugary reward.

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Q: How does making nectar help flowers become pollinated?
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The role nectar plays in helping flowers become pollinated?

The nectar has a pollinated job for it.

Why does making nectare help flowers become pollinated?

Animals looking for nectar spread pollen

Wind pollinated flowers do not make nectar why?

Nectar is produced by flowers to attract insects, bats or birds that will help to carry its pollen to other plants (and bring fresh pollen to it). If a plant is pollinated in the wind, then it doesn't need to spend the energy to make nectar.

Do the insect pollinated flowers have nectar and wind does not?

the insect does

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Why are wind pollinated flowers not usually brightly colored?

Wind-pollinated plants do not need colorful flowers as they are not pollinated by animals, insects or birds. Since wind-pollinated plants do not need colorful flowers, they might as well put their energy into making their pollen lighter, or more of it.

Where do pollinated flowers come from?

Flowers are pollinated (fertilized) by insects unwittingly transferring pollen from one flower to another as they move from flower to flower drinking or collecting nectar.

How is honeysuckle pollinated?

Honeysuckles, hence their name, are bountiful with nectar. Bees live on nectar and pollen and are attracted to the honeysuckle's flowers.

Bees Stop making honey?

Bees make honey from nectar gathered from flowers. If there are no nectar-bearing flowers available, then the bees can't make honey. Nor will there be any nectar to feed on, so they will feed on their stored honey.

What characteristics would insect pollinated flowers have?

Are bright in colour Produce sugary nectar Are large in size Have a scent

How does a flower make nectar?

Flowers secrete nectar near the ovary so that they are pollinated. Nectar is usually replenished in twenty minutes after a pollinator such as a bee or hummingbird visits. The sugar is actually made in the leaves created by photosynthesis.

Where do bees obtain nectar for making honey?

The nectar comes from clover, and other types of flowers.