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Q: How does marginal thinking affect producers and consumers?
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What do producers affect?

Producers somehow affect - whether directly or indirectly - every organism in their ecosystem. All producers make their own food - either through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, and the consumers of the ecosystem eat the producers, and other consumers eat those consumers, and eventually every organism in that ecosystem has consumed producers.

How would a long-term drought affect producers and consumers?

a long-term drought would affect both producers and consumers because if the producer doesn't produce what the consumer needs to eat then the consumers will die. Producers will not die because they are not living things.

Which best explains how a free market system has a circular flow of influences?

Consumers decisions affect producers, and producer decisions affect consumers.

How do producers affect an ecosystem?

again, i don't know. THATS WHY IM ASKING #imma_boss

How does competition affect producers and consumers?

i can't answer this lol

How does the amount of organic mater and the amount of water in soil affect the ability of plants to grow?

producers and consumers

Who of the following best explains how a free-market system has a circular flow of influences?

Consumer decisions affect producers, and producer decisions affect consumers

How could protecting the producers of an ecosystem affect the entire ecosystem?

Because they are the base of our food chain, primary consumers such as herbivores (plant eaters) eat producers when secondary consumers (omnivores) eat those and finally tertiary consumers eat those.tertiary consumers consist of people,bears,etc.

How do the roles of consumers affect the ecosystem?

Actually, consumers are organisms (including us humans) that get their energy from producers, regarding the flow of energy through an ecosystem. For example, producers, (such as plants), make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. If we were to say, an organism at e this plant, than it would be a primary consumer. The animal that eats thisanimal is known as the second order consumer. And so on and so forth. Scientifically, all consumers are either herbivores, carnivores, omnivores or detrivores (decomposers and other organism that break down organic matter).These 'orders' are known as trophic levels....It is useful to remember that all consumers and producers belong in food chains...consumers are the one that depend on producers to survive. then, the energy is now transfered to the consumers.

How does industrialization affect the oxygen producers in water?

Industrialization may lead to pollution in bodies of water near factories. The pollution may kill the plants in the water that produce oxygen, which will in turn affect consumers.

How does photosynthesis affect crocodiles?

Photosynthesis provides food for the producers, which are then eaten by first-order consumers, which may be eaten by second-order consumers, and so on, which are then eaten by crocodiles, which are probably the highest-order consumer in the food web, unless humans are involved. Without photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy in food molecules, there would be no producers or consumers, and no crocodiles (or humans).

Why are producers important in an ecosystem?

Most of all without producers, all other organisms would die: because the consumers would not be able to eat the producer, and then the predators who are at the top of the food chain, would have no source of food, which would lead to the death of all organisms. Producers are most definitely vital to life, and is of great importance to the existence of living organisms ..<3 ChellyWellyBellyFrom Belize :)15 years old.