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Martin Luther was unique in the annals of Church history. At a time when most of the Western world was illiterate, he became a monk and learned to read. Unfortunately for the Church, he did learn to read. As he read, he became aware of many incorrect doctrine that was accepted as Church Cannon. Viewing himself as the recipient of a miracle, he decided that it was imperative to spread the "truth" of his reading.

His role ultimately was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, a period that ushered in greater education for people other than clergy and noblemen. This led to increased demand for printed material, which in turn led to the wide dissemination of ideas uncontrolled by the Church. His act of disagreeing with the Church eventually led to the rise of Protestants, which led to religious debates and sectarianism. Of course, this sectarianism led to persecution, which led to expulsion of the weaker sects...and eventually to the colonization of the Americas.

In a convoluted manner, Martin Luther became the catalyst for critical thinking, both in the sectarian and religious world, thereby opening new possibilities in science, religion, and politics. All because he learned to read; a most powerful weapon indeed!

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Q: How does martin Luther point to a new age in the Church at his time in history?
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.Catholic AnswerThe Church was so concerned about Martin Luther because first of all, he was an Augustian Friar, and supposedly ordained a priest, thus under solemn vows to chastity, obedience, and poverty; and the Church had taken on the responsibility for his spiritual welfare when he voluntarily took those vows. .Secondly, after he left, abandoning his solemn vows without asking permission, and proceeding to violate them, he started to preach heresy and some of the princes of northern Germany were using his preaching as an excuse to leave the Church. At that point, Martin Luther's personal problems were starting to affect large numbers of the Christian faithful who were being denied the Sacraments by their princes, so the Church became very concerned as she was responsible for these people's eternal salvation..Eventually, Martin Luther's personal sins and heresy led to the lost of thousands of souls, denying them the sacraments and the Church, and generations after them. That is why the Catholic Church was so concerned about Martin Luther

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