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Q: How does mercantilism affect exploration and colonization for the Europeans?
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How did exploration affect the indigenous people of the lands Europeans found?

Exploration by Europeans had a significant impact on indigenous peoples, leading to colonization, displacement, and the spread of diseases that decimated populations. Indigenous cultures were often disrupted or destroyed, and native peoples were subjected to violence, exploitation, and forced assimilation into European ways of life.

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Exploration and intercultural contact during the Renaissance broadened Europeans' understanding of other cultures and challenged their existing beliefs. This exposure led to a more interconnected world and a reevaluation of what it meant to be a citizen of Europe, fostering a sense of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a more diverse collective identity.

How did the voyages of exploration affect Europeans' view of the world?

It led to a scientific revolution that changed our understanding of the universe.

How did living near seas affect the lives of southern Europeans?

In most cases, it turned many of them to maritime trade, fishery and/or exploration.

How did the policy of mercantilism affect global economies?

mercantilism actually help global trade

How did the European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly?

Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.

How did European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly?

Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.

How did religious changes in Europe affect the European colonization of the Americas?

Many of the native American tribes who were already in the Americas were overthrown by the Europeans such as the aztects being overthrown by Spanish conquistadors.

Did physical features affect prince Henry's exploration?

Yes they did have affect on his exploration.

What is mercantilism and how did it affect the 13 colonies?

mercantilism affected the 13 colonies because it was the type of government the 13 colonies used

How did the European exploration affect the Americas and Africa?

European exploration in the Americas resulted in a decline of populations due to diseases brought to the New World to which the natives had no immunity. For Africans, this exploration saw the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade where millions were captured and resettled in the Americas.