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what are the effects of intercultural contact on the identity of europeans during the renaissance?.

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Exploration and intercultural contact during the Renaissance broadened Europeans' understanding of other cultures and challenged their existing beliefs. This exposure led to a more interconnected world and a reevaluation of what it meant to be a citizen of Europe, fostering a sense of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a more diverse collective identity.

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Q: Ways that exploration and intercultural contact during the Renaissance affect the citizenship and identity of europeans?
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What Renaissance values would encourage the kind of exploration and interactions that the Spaniards and the other Europeans had in the Americas?

Renaissance values such as curiosity, innovation, and a spirit of adventure would have encouraged exploration and interaction in the Americas. The belief in expanding knowledge, trade opportunities, and the desire to spread European culture and Christianity were also influential factors in motivating these explorations.

What kind of influence did Marco Polo have in Renaissance humanism?

Marco Polo's travels to Asia introduced Europeans to new cultures, ideas, and technologies, sparking an interest in exploration and expanding their worldview. His writings also contributed to a greater sense of curiosity and discovery during the Renaissance, inspiring further exploration of the world and fostering a spirit of humanism that emphasized the value of individual experiences and knowledge.

Why do you think Europeans believed they had the right to take slaves?

Europeans believed they had the right to take slaves during the Age of Exploration due to a combination of economic motives, a sense of racial superiority, and the belief that they were bringing civilization to inferior societies. This justification allowed them to exploit and subjugate people from other continents for their own benefit.

Why did the Europeans want to trade with the Indies?

Europeans wanted to trade with the Indies for valuable goods like spices, silks, and precious metals that were in high demand in Europe. They also sought to establish new trade routes to bypass the monopolies of Arab and Venetian merchants. Additionally, the potential for profit from selling these exotic goods drove European exploration and colonization efforts.

What prompted Europeans to search for new islands in the 14th century up to the 16th century?

The desire for wealth, trade routes to Asia, and spreading Christianity were key motivations for Europeans to search for new islands during this period. Additionally, advancements in sailing technology such as the development of the caravel and the need to escape overpopulated cities also played a role in prompting exploration.

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The Renaissance ushered in the Age of Exploration, which played a large role in the expansion of trade and the Commercial Revolution. Because of discovery voyages and acquisitions, Europeans were able to expand trade networks and increase their world power through empires.

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What were europeans main motives for making voyages of exploration?

Europeans main motives for voyages of exploration occurred during the Renaissance Era and included building of empires, diffusion of Christianity, ever-increasing opportunities fort trade and new markets, greater power than before, and material good and riches that included gold, spices, silver and slaves.

What allowed Europeans to participate in exploration?

Primarily, ships.

What forces drove Europeans to exploration?

Some of the reasons Europeans actively engaged in exploration included the need to find new land and new raw materials. Exploration greatly paved the way for many trade opportunities.

How did Marco Polo trips to China influence Europeans exploration?

Europeans who read about his travels were inspired to explore.