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During the S phase of mitosis (within interphase) DNA is synthesized and replicated making sister chromosomes. The cell then progresses and eventually gets to anaphase, in which the chromosomes get pulled apart by the centromeres holding the 2 sister chromosomes together. This way the daughter cells will have the same exact DNA as the parents cell, one with the same DNA, one with an exact copy.

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Q: How does mitosis ensure that each daughter nucleus receives a complete set of chromosomes?
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What plays an important part in mitosis?

The spindle apparatus plays an important part in mitosis. It is responsible for segregating the chromosomes into two daughter cells by attaching to and moving the sister chromatids. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives an equal and complete set of chromosomes.

When a cell divides through mitosis each daughter cell receives half of the parent cell's genetic code is it true?

No. Due to DNA replication before mitosis, each daughter cell receives the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. So if the parent cell has 38 chromosomes, the daughter cells will have 38 chromosomes.

If you compare the parent cell to the daughter in mitosis what can be said about their chromosomes?

the daughter cells' chromosomes are a identical to the parent cell. they each have a complete set

What dose each identical daughter cell have complete after mitosis?

After mitosis followed by cytokinesis, the two identical daughter cells have a complete and identical set of chromosomes, which are the same as the parent cell.

Why do chromosomes split?

Chromosomes split during cell division (mitosis or meiosis) to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes. This process, called chromosome segregation, allows genetic information to be accurately replicated and transmitted to the next generation of cells.

How many chromosomes will be found in each daughter cell after mitosis?

46 chromosomes will be found in a human daughter cell after mitosis, 23 chromosomes will be found after meiosis.

How many chromosomes will the daughter cells have in mitosis?

2 chromosomes

Which phase chromosomes are distributed equally to daughter cells?

A cell's replicated chromosomes are distributed to its daughter cells so that the two new cells have a complete set of chromosomes/DNA, so that they can carry out their cellular functions.

In mitosis how many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?

It depends on the species--humans, for example, will have 46 chromosomes in each daughter cell after mitosis, while a dog will have 78. In mitosis, the number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is equal to the number of chromosomes in the interphase parent cell.

How many chromosomes are there in each daughter cell after mitosis?

There are 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes in each daughter cell after mitosis. Each daughter cells need 46 or 23 pairs of chromosomes to work properly and survive.

What can you say about the number of chromosomes received by each daughter cells after mitosis?

The number of chromosomes that each daughter cell has after mitosis is equal to the number of chromosomes in the original (parent) cell.

How many chromosomes are in the daughter cell at the end of mitosis?

There are going to be half the amount of the original chromosomes that were in each cell to begin with. So therefore there are going to be 4 chromosomes in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis..Actually there will be 2 chromosomes, in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis!