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No. Due to DNA replication before mitosis, each daughter cell receives the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. So if the parent cell has 38 chromosomes, the daughter cells will have 38 chromosomes.

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10y ago

No. Cells that result from mitotic cell division have a complete set of genetic material. The genetic material is halved during meiosis.

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Q: When a cell divides through mitosis each daughter cell receives half of the parent cell's genetic code is it true?
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Process by which a cell divides into 2 daughter cells?


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When a body cell divides through the process of mitosis what is the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells?

After mitosis each daughter cell contains 46 chromosomes as the DNA replicates itself before the cell divides

What are all the differences between meiosis and mitosis?

in mitosis a parent cell divides into two daughter cells in which the chromosomes are replicated and distributed equally into daughter cells. while in meiosis a parent cell divides into four unequall daughter cells.

When a cell divides into two and duplicates its genetic material the process is called?

Mitosis and cytokinesis, although the process is reversed from what you ask in your question. During mitosis a cell duplicates its genetic material and then it divides into two new cells during cytokinesis.

What is the difference between mitotic and mitosis?

Mitosis refers to the phases prophase through telophase where replicated genetic material is being separated into two identical nuclei. Mitotic phase refers to all of mitosis AND cytokinesis, the process after mitosis in which the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles, and cell membrane divides into roughly equal two daughter cells.

In a eukaryote cell the process in which the cell divides into two independent identical cells is called?

The process is known as mitosis. During mitosis, the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell divides the chromosomes evenly. After the mitosis, the cell undergoes cytokinesis, which divides the cell in two to create two independent identical (daughter) cells.

What is a characteristic of mitosis and not of meiosis?

The daughter cells produced are genetcally identical. A mitosis divides cells, which still contains the same number on chromosomes. In mitosis DNA is replicated once, and the nucleus divides once. In meiosis DNA is replicated once, but the nucleus is divided twice.

What happens after a cell divides?

By the time a normal cell divides you can assume that the cell has replicated all of its DNA. A factor that can stop normal cells from growing is contact with other cells.

What account for genetic similarity in daughter and parent cells after mitosis?

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