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mix in a tremendous amount of salt into the water. That will greatly increase to boyency of the clay.

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Q: How does modeling clay absorb water?
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Does clay absorb water and to what extent?

you are dumb

Does modeling clay float?

no it doesn't its more dence than the water

Does modelling clay absorb water?

Yes it will. Usually it is a mixture of organic ingredients and anything organic will absorb water.

Is there a difference in between extruded clay and modeling clay?

Why yes there is. An extruded clay is something pushed out by a machine and modeling clay is handled by man.

Can you reconstitute plain kitty litter to modeling clay?

yes, just add water

Why does Clay absorb water better than topsoil and Sand?

It doesn't. Topsoil absorbs water better than sand and clay.

How well does clay soil hold water?

Water is held between soil particles by capillary forces. Coarse sandy soils have large pores and water drains through it quickly. Clay soils have smaller pores and are able to hold more water.

What is the ingredents of the rose art modeling clay?

Modeling clay can be very useful for students in school and kids and adults out of school. In case you are curious, the ingredients of modeling clay from Rose Art are not made public.

Is clay waterproof?

by bisk firing clay and then glazing it and firing it again, the clay will become waterproof. the clay hardens and the glaze (once heated)and becomes just like glass covering the outside of the clay.

What is the difference between loamy and clay soil?

clay soil can absorb more of nutrients and water as compared to loamy soil.......

Do beans grow in clay?

If you mean clay soils, then yes. If you mean modeling clay, no.

Does clay soil absorb water well?

not really because clay has particles close together