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law of motion car stops but your body keeps going at the same speed the car was travaling before the sudden stop. also the real problem is that when your body hits something and you stop your organs dont and that is what causes people to die when they look fine on the outside there organs hit the bones and caused internal bleeding.

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Q: How does newtons third law affect people in car crashes?
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Always. Evey object in the universe is experiencing Newtons third law. Just by sitting in your chair motionless you are experiencing Newtons third law.

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How does the saying You get what you giverelate to newtons third law?

It doesn't; the two are completely unrelated. Of course, some people will make comparisons, because of one of the names given to the Third Law, "Action and Reaction".

Which of Newtons laws states that for every force there is an equal force in the opposite direction?

That's Newton's third law of motion. A link can be found below.