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Q: How does nitrogen leave an animals body?
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Can nitrogen in soil be used by plants or animals?

Nitrogen is everywhere But somehow, nitrogen has to get from the atmosphere into a form that our body can use.I also think that nitrogen in soil can be used by plants not animals

How does nitrogen enter the human body?

A lot of comes from the air. The air you breathe is around 78 percent nitrogen, so nitrogen enters your body with every breath. Rhizobium bacteria is present in leguminous plants in their roots which extract nitrogen from the soil. These are generally present in dicot-seed plants. When you consume these plants, nitrogen enters your body. Another way that nitrogen enters the body is through eating meat. When animals eat plants, those plants have nitrate in them which contains nitrogen so the animals have nitrogen in them now. Then, humans eat the meat from the animals, adding some nitrogen to our bodies.

What does nitrogen help animals to build inside their bodies?

Nitrogen helps animals to build amino acids inside their bodies. These acids are essential for making proteins which are vital for the body.

What is the source of nitrogen for animals?

Animals get nitrogen from plants.

Can humans get the nitrogen they need to exist in the air?

Plants and animals die and decomposers break down their nitrogen containing molecules to ammonia. All animals get the nitrogen they need by eating plants, by eating other animals that ate plants, or by eating animals that ate animals that ate plants.

How do plants get nitrogen compared to how animals get nitrogen?

Most plants get nitrogen from fertilizers. Some plants can have a process called nitrogen fixing in which nitrogen from the is turned into ammonium compounds. Animals get their nitrogen from food, by eating plants and other animals.

When do animals lose nitrogen?

Animals will lose nitrogen when they die. This is whey decay and nitrogen is released as ammonia into the air.

How do animals get their nitrogen they need?

well, herbivores eat plants (which have nitrogen in them due to help from nitrogen fixating bacteria) then other animals eat herbivores. Since animals are heterotrophs they have to get their nutrients from other organisms.

What can you infer from the fact that animals do not need nitrogen?

If you are told it is a fact that animals do not need nitrogen, you can infer that you are receiving incorrect information. All living things require nitrogen. However, animals are not able to obtain the nitrogen they need directly, but must get it from their food, and that comes ultimately from the plants that are able to absorb nitrogen from the soil.

How much nitrogen in the body?

The human body is about 3% Nitrogen

How do animals and plants get nitrogen from the nitrogen cycle?

They use the nitrogen in the food they eat to form their bodies, particularly proteins. They throw out excess nitrogen with the help of excretion, and their bodies are decomposed after death into various forms of nitrogen, too.

How do animals like the deer pictured contribute to the nitrogen cycle?

Animals such as deer eat plants that contain nitrogen. The nitrogen helps the animals build and repair cells. When that animal dies, the nitrogen is released back into the atmosphere.