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Flora literally means flowers. This word is used for micro organisms in the large intestine. They play very important role in your body. You can not survive for long without this flora. They produce few important vitamins like vitamin K. Some times these normal flora is killed by the use of broad spectrum antibiotics. The patient get the condition called as pseudomembranous colitis. Patient can die of loose motion in this case, unless promptly and properly treated. This fact highlights the importance of the micro flora. Such type of bacteria are present on your skin also. At times they are replaced by the abnormal bacteria. The person emits body odour. His social life is adversely affected in that case.

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Q: How does normal flora benefit the host?
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Related questions

Does usual flora mean normal flora?

Yes, usual flora, normal flora, and typical flora are all normal results.

What is the normal flora of CSF?

there ara no microbial normal flora in the csf

Why normal flora does not make any problem?

You said that in your answer too. As the flora is normal, there is no harm

Can you prevent getting disease in normal flora?

Normal flora cannot cause a "disease". But if normal flora is disrupted it can become a pathogen and then cause infection. Some diseases, like diabetes, can disrupt normal flora and cause infection, especially yeast infections on the skin or in the vagina of women.

Is it normal to have 3 plus mixed skin flora within a wound?

Normal skin flora is a combination of many types of micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses and yeast. When a wound occurs, some "normal flora" are introduced into the wound, especially in a penetrating wound such as a stabbing or shooting. When a wound culture is performed, the pathologist looks for "normal flora" which could become pathogens if the organisms begin to multiply, especially since those organisms of the normal flora are now in a place they should not normally be (i.e. transferred from the skin to inside the body, in a blood-rich environment). The pathologist also looks for other pathogens, such as the once-normal flora of the assailant or perpetrator which could infect the new host (the person with the wound).

What type is more difficult to remove between normal flora and transient bacteria?

normal flora

How does micro-flora benefit humans?

Micro-flora or microbiotas benefit humans by using up most nutrients before the bad microflora does. By doing this the bad micro-flora cannot grow out of control and causing damage.

What is another term for normal flora?

Normal microbiota

What is the value of skin flora?

In general, your "normal" skin flora protect you from "rogue" flora which might do you harm.

How does resident normal flora protect the body against pathogens?

how does residental normal flora protect the body against pathogens

Is virus a normal flora?


Can normal flora become opportunistic pathogens?

Yes, normal microbial flora can become virulent or pathogenic if the conditions are right. On outside of body normal flora is harmless, if it was to be ingested it would take the opportunity to do as much damage as possible.