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Q: How does one calculate the biomass in a trophic level?
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Are biomass and trophic level related?

Each trophic level contains one-tenth as much biomass as the level below it and ten times as much biomass as the level above it.

What tropic level contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems?

trophic level one.... the tertiary consumers, or top carnivores

What level on the energy pyramid has the most biomass?

THE LEVEL ON the pyramid that has the most biomass is the tertiary level.

Facts about bio mass energy?

The biomass from one lower level will support approximately 10% of the biomass of the next higher trophic level. Example: 100 kg (biomass) of a producer (plant) will be required to support approximately 10 kg of the primary (first-level) consumers.

What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

Why are there fewer organisms in the higher trophic levels than the lower trophic levels?

the temperature is higher and in generally the conditions of life is much easier... There are also many atmospheric and oceanic phenomena participating in making the environment much more friendly than any other geographic level. and of course, cause they're near me :)

What is efficiency level?

Trophic level efficiency is the ratio of production of one trophic level to the production of the next lower trophic level. This efficiency is never high.

How does the amount of biomass at the fourth trophic level compare to the amount of biomass at the third trophic level immediately below it?

Biomass at the fourth trophic level is approximately ten times smaller than biomass at the third trophic level.

Why does biomass decrease?

Biomass is defined as any biological material from living or recently living organisms. Since every living organism is a part of the food chain, less energy becomes available the more it climbs up the chain, resulting in a decrease in biomass.

How are trophic level efficiency measured?

Trophic level efficiency is the ratio of production of one trophic level to the production of the next lower trophic level. This efficiency is never high.

Why can each trophic level support only about one tenth the amount of living tissue of the level below?

This is because energy is lost at each trophic level (from all the activity done by that level, e.g., running, climbing, fighting) . The energy available to the next trophic level is about 10% of the energy of the previous trophic level.

Why can each trophic level support only about one tenth the amount of the living tissue of the level below?

This is because energy is lost at each trophic level. The energy available to the next trophic level is about 10% of the energy of the previous trophic level.