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trophic level one.... the tertiary consumers, or top carnivores

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Q: What tropic level contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems?
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What tropic level contains the greatest biomass in ecosystem. explain why this occurs?

First trophic level or producers or green plants or phytoplanktons have the highest biomass except aquatic ecosystems because they perform maximum photosynthesis.

What is the total amount of organic matter in a tropic level called?


Which group of organisms has the least biomass?

A tropic level is the position that an organism occupies in the food chain. The trophic level that has the least biomass is trophic level 5, which is composed of apex predators.

What hemisphere contains the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle?

The Southern Hemisphere is home to the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle.

On December 21st where is the intensity of insolation the greatest?

At the Tropic of Capricorn.

How does the tropic affect daily life?

The tropic affect daily life by encompass mist but also remotes the clouds in the forests. This is home to over half the worldÕs plants and animals because of the unique ecosystems.

If the Poles have the greatest variation in the length of day and night where is the least variation?

tropic of cancer

What is a biomass piramid?

An ecological pyramid of biomass shows the relationship between biomass and trophic level by quantifying the amount of biomass present at each trophic level of an ecological community at a particular moment in time. It is a graphical representation of biomass(total amount of living or organic matter in an ecosystem) present in unit area in different tropic levels. Typical units for a biomass pyramid could be grams per meter2, or calories per meter2.The pyramid of biomass may be 'inverted'. For example, in a pond ecosystem, the standing crop of phytoplankton, the major producers, at any given point will be lower than the mass of the heterotrophs, such as fish and insects. This is explained as the phytoplankton reproduce very quickly, but have much shorter individual lives.One problem with biomass pyramids is that they can make a trophic level look like it contains more energy than it actually does. For example, all birds have beaks and skeletons, which despite taking up mass are not eaten by the next trophic level. In a pyramid of biomass the skeletons and beaks would still be quantified even though they do not contribute to the overall flow of energy.(This is copied from Wikipedia)

What are the limitations of the Pyramids of Numbers Biomass and Energy?

These pyramids are quantitative measures of varying relationship within an ecosystem. They are of course derived from experimental data. When this data is collect it is usually difficult to analyse and so form the pyramids because it is quite difficult to sort the data obtained into respective tropic levels which are displayed in the pyramids. Part of the problem is that many species feed at different tropic levels and the proportion of feeding at different tropic levels vary from year to year overtime. Hence proving to be quite limited as many of these indetailed searches havent been conducted for many ecosystems.

What tropic is closest to nz?

The Tropic of Capricorn is the tropic that is the closest to New Zealand. The other tropic in the world is the Tropic of Cancer.

What tropic is closet to nz?

The Tropic of Capricorn is the tropic that is closest to New Zealand. The other tropic in the world is the Tropic of Cancer.

Is the tropic of Capricorn the tropic of cancer?

No it's not. The Tropic of Cancer is the Northern Tropic and corresponds with the summer solstice. The Tropic of Capricorn is the Southern Tropic and corresponds with the winter solstice.