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OPTIFAST is a weight management program that uses meal replacement drinks along with lifestyle education and monitoring by a medical professional. It works by replacing regular meals with pre-made low-calorie products, and is recommended for individuals with a body mass index greater than 30.

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Q: How does one lose weight by using the OPTIFAST Program?
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How much weight can one lose with Optifast?

Someone looking to lose weight by using Optifast can lose a lot of weight. Optifast says that they can help you lose up to fifty pounds in eighteen to twenty weeks.

A New You with Optifast?

The OPTIFAST weight loss program is not just another diet; it is a supportive community of people who are committed to your weight loss success. OPTIFAST has been clinically proven to help people lose weight. It addresses the root causes of weight gain rather than merely seeking to promote weight loss. Studies have shown that people who diligently followed the OPTIFAST plan not only lost weight but also reduced cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure and blood glucose. The OPTIFAST program boasts great success with long-term weight loss. In addition to meal replacements, counseling, education, and support are all vital parts of the program.

What are optifast shakes, and what are they used for?

Basically optifast shakes are used for weightloss. They are similar to slimfast, just a supplemantal drink to help u lose weight.

Do OPTIFAST Shakes Really Work?

OPTIFAST shakes are nutritious shakes offered as part of the OPTIFAST diet program. When following the OPTIFAST diet program, dieters will consume five shakes each day. Each shake contains 160 calories, as well as one-fifth of the recommended daily serving of vitamins and minerals. When drinking five shakes a day, dieters are expected to lose anywhere from seven to 14 pounds in the first week and three to seven pounds each following week. While OPTIFAST limits dieters to 800 calories a day, these shakes are formulated with the perfect amount of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy, while helping you lose weight.

Does the opifast weight loss work?

Any quick weight loss diet isnt the best way to go as you have a tendancy to rebound after the diet and end up with more weight to lose than you started out needin g to lose. is an excellent resource for information on opifast weight loss.

How do you lose 10 kilos quickly?

use optislim or optifast

Has the Optifast been proven to work?

"Yes, Optifast has been proven to work quite well. Most people who use this seem to lose weight very fast without any harsh side affects. It is amoung the most top rated diet shakes."

Can using BSN online help you lose weight?

"BSN online can help you lose weight. You will need to follow their program and use their products if you want to see results. If you use it daily, and have a good diet, you will see the weight lose."

Can you lose weight every time you poop?

Yes you do lose weight, but you just gain the weight back. If you are looking to lose weight talk to your doctor before! Or try laxatives.

How long does is take to get skinny?

If you are using an effective weight-loss program of diet and exercise, you can lose quite a lot of weight in a period of a few months.

Is Weight Watchers a good program for diet and weight loss?

Weight watchers is a very excellent program to lose weight. Well it is but it all depends on you the person if that's how you want to lose weight.

Will I lose weight if I get into a Fitness program?

I actually volunteer at a Fitness program and I can answer your question. If you apply for a Fitness program WITH the motivation you WILL lose weight, the trainer will be there with you every step of the way to motivate you, if you lose motivation, you won't lose weight, simple as that. If you stick to it, you will lose weight.