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Q: How does one stop male cats from marking their territory?
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Is there anyway to stop my male and female chihuahuas from marking their territory?

The best way to get your male and female chihuahuas from marking their territory is to have them neutered.

What do you do with a cat who is continually marking his territory?

Hello there, Ur cat is marking its territory cause male cats that havent been de-sexed are over sexed. So I can promise u that if u get ur cat de-sexed it will stop or at least cut down to a mere fraction of what it was. Hope that helps. catch!

Why do cats urinate on personal positions and not in their clean litter box?

Cats "mark" their territory, especially where they smell other cats. For example, under a window inside where a stranger cat sleeps outside. They mark when they smell other males or stranger cats outside their clan. Cats can also urinate in the house if their litter box is not clean, or if they have a UTI.

Do male cats spray that have a queen to breed?

Yes. Spraying is a way of marking territory, and both male and female cats are very territorial. Except when a female is in heat, a male cat considers her no more than another intruder on his hunting grounds, and will spray to mark his turf.

Why does your Bengal cat urinate everywhere?

Is he/she fixed it is simply marking it territory get it FIXED to stop this problem.

Why do cats spray and how do I get rid of that horrible smell?

Cats spray to mark their territory, one way to get them to stop spraying is to spay or neuter it. scrub with a hard bristle brush and a bucket of ammonia and water. let it air dry a bit and get some moth balls, crush them in a bag and sprinkle in the area. don't use more than one box of moth balls in one small area or your house will have a strong smell of moth balls

Why do foxes stop marking their territory?

Because their noses create a sensual noise to allow other foxes to retreat when looked at.

What does it smell like when a male cat sprays?

Spraying is a way of marking territory, and virtually all male cats will do it. The best way to stop or prevent it is to get the cat neutered, since this stops the impulse to mark territory and usually stops spraying.

Will a female cat who is pregnant spray?

She's probably in heat. I'd get her spayed either way. There are too many homeless cats in the world to be bringing more into it. Make sure you clean all the areas she's sprayed with an enzyme cleaner you can find at a pet store, or even after you get her spayed she'll keep doing it.

Is it good to neuter your min pin?

yes it is extremely beneficial to neuter your male dog. he will settle down and stop marking and barking. it is actually one of the best things to do for a male dog

Will neutering a male stop peeing or lifting their leg in the house?

Yes it will because when a male cat pees around the house it means he's marking his teritory from other male cats.It will work for sure. if not see a vet.

I have two male cats that are brothers. Midnight keeps dominating Harvest. How do you stop Midnight from doing this?

It is quite natural for male cats, and female cats, to dominate each other, even if they are kin. If they aren't spayed, the fighting problem may be worse than if they were. If they are spayed, there really isn't much you can do to stop them from fighting. Again, it is entirely natural and is an instinct.